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Price: $3.00

    Item #: Cotinis sp.
    Availability: In Stock
    Usually ships In 1-2 Business Days

    Collecting Green June Beetles for a Dried Insect Collection

    The Green June Beetle (Cotinis nitida) is an eye-catching specimen for insect enthusiasts due to its iridescent green hue. If you're looking to add this beetle to your collection, here's a concise guide on where to find it and how to collect it.

    1. Where to Find Green June Beetles:

    • Habitat: These beetles are commonly found in gardens, orchards, compost heaps, and areas with decaying organic matter. They are particularly attracted to ripe fruits like peaches, berries, and grapes.
    • Time: The best period to find Green June Beetles is during the late spring to early fall. On warm, sunny days, they are most active and likely to be flying around in search of food.

    2. Collecting Techniques:

    • By Hand: This method is suitable if the beetle is resting or feeding. Approach quietly, then carefully and quickly grasp the beetle between your thumb and forefinger, applying just enough pressure to hold it without causing injury.
    • Using an Aerial Insect Net: If the beetle is in flight or on vegetation, an aerial insect net is more effective. With swift, sweeping motions, capture the beetle in the net. Once inside, gently trap the beetle in the net's bottom by folding it over.

    3. Transferring to a Killing Jar: For a killing jar, you can utilize a container with a tight-sealing lid and a nail polish remover containing acetone.

    • Preparation: Add a piece of tissue or cotton ball to the jar and soak it with a liberal amount of nail polish remover. Seal the jar immediately after to allow the acetone fumes to fill the container. This will ensure a quick and humane euthanasia for the beetle.
    • Transfer: After capturing the beetle, carefully introduce it into the killing jar and tightly seal the lid. The acetone fumes will euthanize the beetle in a matter of minutes.